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Polish Aviation Group

Sustainable growth
Decarbonisation strategy 2030 

We are a part of a global shift aiming to limit the increase in the Earth’s average temperature to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

The PGL Group’s decarbonization strategy involves reducing emissions in three scopes, in accordance with the global standard set by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

As far as LOT Polish Airlines’ operations are concerned, our decarbonization strategy assumes that WTW (Well-to-Wake) greenhouse gas emissions associated with aviation fuel (Scopes 1 and category 3 of Scope 3) will decrease by 45% per revenue ton-kilometer (RTK) by 2030, compared to 2019. The objective, now verified by the SBTi, has also been set as the target for the entire PGL Group.

Furthermore, the PGL companies: PGL, LS Airport Services, LOTAMS, LS Technics and the Polish Aviation Academy have adopted a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (CO2e) by 42% by 2030 compared to 2022 levels. This target pertains to direct emissions from fuel combustion and the use of refrigerants (Scope 1) as well as indirect emissions resulting from the consumption of electricity and district heating (Scope 2).

Our decarbonization targets are embedded in the growth plans of the Group as a whole and its individual companies. The short-term emission reduction target for the PGL Group: Polish Aviation Group commits to reducing Well-to-Wake (WTW) greenhouse gas emissions related to aviation fuel from its own operations by 45% per Revenue Tonne Kilometer (RTK) by 2030 compared to the base year 2019 — has been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative. 

Decarbonization strategy
Targets of PGL Group companies 


A holding company that provides corporate services to other Group companies. Integrates best practices within the Polish Aviation Group to advance the member entities and influence the development of the aviation industry in Poland. 

The initiatives that will allow PGL to achieve its emission reduction target are: 

provision of green

gradual electrification of the vehicle fleet 

LS Airport Services S.A.

The company offers ground handling operations at airports in Warsaw, Gdańsk, Kraków and Katowice. It uses a fleet of more than 140 cars and buses driving at airport premises and just under 1,000 specialized vehicles used for towing, pushbacks or de-icing. It also manages the LS CARGO PARK complex used for storing cargo.

To achieve its emission reduction target, LS Airport Services bases its decarbonization strategy on the following initiatives:

use of biofuels 

provision of green electricity in owned facilities

gradual electrification of the fleet of passenger, truck and specialized vehicles

LOT Aircraft Maintenance Services 

It deals with aircraft maintenance: base maintenance, line maintenance, as well as workshop and aesthetic maintenance, including painting. It currently operates a fleet of 130 vehicles and a maintenance base in Warsaw.

A new hangar in Jasionka is scheduled to open in 2025. It will be one of the largest facilities of its kind in Europe.

The initiatives that will allow LOTAMS to achieve its emission reduction target include: 

provision of green electricity 

gradual electrification of the fleet of passenger, commercial and specialized vehicles 

modernization of facilities 

use of low-carbon heat sources 

use of biofuels

LS Technics

It is an MRO organization with experience in medium-haul and regional aircraft maintenance. It operates facilities located at 8 Polish airports, namely: Katowice, Gdańsk, Warsaw, Kraków, Wrocław, Bydgoszcz, Poznań and Olsztyn. The company operates a fleet of more than 60 vehicles, including specialty vehicles, tow trucks and lift trucks.

The actions enabling LS Technics to achieve its emission reduction target are: 

provision of
green electricity 

gradual electrification of the fleet of diesel- and gasoline-powered vehicles 

use of low-carbon heat sources at its facilities 

use of biofuels

Polish Aviation Academy 

The Polish Aviation Academy is the largest flight training center in Poland. It runs a training complex for pilots and cabin crew at Jutrzenki Street in Warsaw and operates a fleet of 14 training aircraft and five vehicles.

The initiatives that will allow Polish Aviation Academy to achieve its emission reduction target include: 

provision of green electricity 

gradual electrification of the fleet of gasoline-powered vehicles 

use of low-carbon heat sources 

use of alternative fuels in aircraft 

offering part of flight training with the use of electric aircraft 

LOT Polish Airlines 

LOT Polish Airlines operates a passenger airline. It manages a fleet of 78 aircraft as well as offices, labs, ticket counters and airport business lounges, among others.

To achieve its emission reduction target, PLL LOT bases its decarbonization strategy on the following initiatives: 

increasing the use of SAF (sustainable aviation fuel) 

continued optimization of aviation fuel consumption 

upgrading the fleet 

increasing the aircraft load factor 

further optimization of ground handling operations which have an impact on fuel consumption 


  1. CO2e – carbon dioxide equivalent. A universal unit used to measure greenhouse gas emissions. 

  2. Carbon footprint scopes in accordance with GHG Protocol terminology

Scope 1 – direct emissions from fuels and refrigerants
Scope 2 – indirect emissions from electricity and district heating
Scope 3 – indirect emissions related to the entire value chain, including purchases and services

  • Polish Aviation Group (LOT Polish Airlines, LS Technics, LOT Aircraft Maintenance Services, LS Airport Services, Polish Aviation Academy
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