Polska Grupa Lotnicza S.A. (PGL, Capital Group, PGL Group) recognises the actions aimed at ensuring the compliance of the organisation with the generally applicable provisions of law, as well as with internal rules of ethics and standards of conduct, as an important element of the responsible and effective management of the PGL Group companies.

Through the functioning and development of the Compliance system, PGL strives for achieving and maintaining the organisational level that ensures the maximum possible degree of elimination of potential threats that may affect the Capital Group, in particular, by counteracting the risks involving:
• corruption,
• way of conduct in conflict with applicable laws and regulations, e.g. violation of the Personal Data Protection Act or the use of competition-restricting practices,
• way of conduct in conflict with the standards and procedures in force in the Capital Group,
• conflict of interest,
• theft of or damage to the property of companies from the Capital Group,
• any and all other events involving our employees/associates and contractors that may exert adverse consequences for PGL.

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