In 2024, Polish airports handled nearly 60 million passengers, marking an increase of over 13% compared to the previous year and a 21% rise compared to the year before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Poles are travelling more frequently and with greater enthusiasm, but a lot has changed in recent years.
The first thing that stands out is the growing importance of regional airports each year. At the start of the previous decade, Chopin Airport accounted for more than 40% of all air traffic. However, with the rise of low-cost carriers offering point-to-point services and the expansion of infrastructure, regional airports now make up 64% of all air traffic as of the end of last year.
It’s also worth noting that the first few years after the pandemic saw a rapid recovery in tourist traffic, but business traffic took longer to bounce back. This led to lower growth rates for traditional carriers and a slower recovery at the capital’s airport.
In 2024, however, Chopin Airport regained its momentum and handled a record 21.3 million passengers, 13% more than before the pandemic and over 15% more than the previous year.
Krakow remains Poland’s second busiest airport, serving over 11 million passengers last year. Gdańsk came in third, handling over 6.7 million, an increase of more than ten per cent compared to the previous year.
This is followed by Katowice (6.4 million passengers), Wrocław (4.5 million), Poznań (3.6 million), and Rzeszów (1.1 million). No other airport surpassed the 1 million passenger mark.
Of the country’s eight largest airports, Rzeszów and Poznań recorded the highest growth rates since 2019, while Modlin Airport was the only one to handle significantly fewer passengers last year compared to five years earlier.
“Przegląd Lotniczy” is a joint project of the corporate communication teams from the companies belonging to the PGL Group.
Editorial Team:
Aleksandra Mościbrodzka
Eliza Mosionek
Anastazja Woitiul
Aneta Przybylska
Anna Szczygieł
Polska Grupa Lotnicza S.A.
ul. Komitetu Obrony Robotników 45A
02 – 146 Warszawa
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