Anna Szczygieł
Communication Manager

LS Technics Reaches New Heights – the Company has secured the CAR-145 certification from the General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) of UAE, allowing to perform technical maintenance on Airbus A320/A321 (CFM56) and A321 (CFM LEAP 1A) aircraft at our brand-new station in Warsaw. This milestone means LST is now fully authorised to service UAE-registered aircraft under CAR-145 regulations. With this latest achievement, the Company proudly stands as a certified GCAA service provider across three key Polish airports: Katowice, Cracow, and Warsaw. 

A Fresh New Look for LS Technics’ Fleet Following the rebranding of the Company’s logo last autumn, the time has come to update our fleet vehicles as well. The 22 newly acquired technical support vehicles now feature a new design in our signature company colours. The updated graphics comply with the latest airport regulations for vehicle markings in restricted zones. 

„Przegląd Lotniczy” jest wspólnym projektem
zespołów komunikacji korporacyjnej Spółek należących do Grupy PGL.


Aleksandra Mościbrodzka
Eliza Mosionek
Anastazja Woitiul
Aneta Przybylska
Anna Szczygieł


Polska Grupa Lotnicza S.A.
ul. Komitetu Obrony Robotników 45A
02 – 146 Warszawa

Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Dalsze rozpowszechnianie treści biuletynu bez zgody wydawcy jest zabronione.

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